Salam....Alhamdulillah..all praises to Allah...Thank Allah for the rest of my life....u bestowed me a husband who care me n my daughter......he's very caring n always care bout health....Alhamdulillah....if i say bout him, he's nice but sometimes he's make me quite exasperate....huh...but its ok...i accepted what he did...:) mmmmmmmmmmmm......i dont know what i want to say bout him...just want to wish him that he would be fine n would be a good healthy....Ameen ya Rabb...
my beloved family
I love my family so much....they r like a pearl at the ocean...If i say bout my daughters... i can say they r always make me smile but sometimes make me angry....i know they r not purposely to make me angry but sometimes they did it....dont be sad my daughters coz mama just say it but not keep it in my heart...i accepted it k....we r so close....I can't imagine when they r far from me especially when they go to study.. ..but i don't care coz they should do that....n i hope they would achieve with flying colours in their life...Ameen..may Allah guide them to achieve it... i also pray for their life at this world n hereafter....Ameen......
Alhamdulillah...all praises to Allah n thank Allah for give me a good life n good health... i don't know what i want to write but i want to say...i make this blog is to improve my English...i was read 70 ways to improve your English-Article that if we want to improve English we should try to make a we can write English is so weak that's why i make it as my if someone or somebody read this blog, they can comment or maybe can correct it...thanks so much....