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Aiyyooo...got sms from kak N that the cloth that I sew have mistaken..I need to sew back..ahhh..how come that happen....why I make a mistake? After many cloth that I sew got praise, now this is the challenge..

Kak S's cloth has already done..Alhamdulillah..but..I should be rush coz Hari raya will coming so soon..and I need to manage my schedule

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Hohoho..there is a long time not post something here..it's quite wierd... Alhamdulillah..I've already finished one of my work today..but many works will coming in the future...need to strugle to do it..hope Allah strengthen me to do my work..

I think my English is weaker than before...huhu..should to improve it..

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"Nasib", "nasib, "nasib". Sering kali kita dengar orang mengeluh tentang nasib diri. Siapa kita untuk mempersoalkannya? Semua itu sudah suratan yang telah tertulis d luh mahfuz. Walau bagaimanapun nasib itu mungkin boleh di ubah dengan cara berusaha dan berdoa.

Bila kita cerita tentang nasib, tak semua orang mempunyai nasib yang baik dan tak semua orang mempunya nasib yang kurang baik. Apa-apa pun kita tanya diri kita sendiri kenapa kita harus mempersoalkan nasib kita.

Di dalam kita mempersoalkan tentang nasib diri, kadang-kadang kita terlupa bahawa kita semua hanyalah hamba Allah s.w.t yang kerdil dan tak sepatutnya kita berbuat demikian. Astaghfirullah...

Bagi mereka yang mempunyai nasib yang baik, seharusnya mereka bersyukur dan berterima kasih atas rezeki yang mereka peroleh dan bukannya tidak berpuas hati dengan apa yg mereka dapat.

Sebaliknya bagi orang yang kurang bernasib baik, tanya pada diri sendiri kenapa pula bernasib sedemikian. Kadang-kadang apa yang berlaku mungkin kesilapan diri sendiri dan seharusnya juga kita mengubah sikap kita.

Apabila kita mempersoalkan tentang sikap, mungkin berat dan susah bagi kita untuk mengubahnya tapi tidak mustahil jika kita berusaha dan berdoa. In Sha Allah, perkara itu boleh di ubah.

Pokok pangkalnya, daripada diri kita sendiri untuk mengubahnya atau membiarkan perkara itu terus berlalu. Bertanya pada diri, membentuk diri sendiri dan berharap pada yang Satu, In Sha Allah apa-apa boleh berlaku.

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Keep fighting and keep praying

Hi, how are you doing today? Hope everything's going fine. Have you ever felt disappointed, angry, upset or sad in your life? I believe that we as a human have ever felt that, right?
Sometimes we felt that this life is unfair. And we think that why it's happened to us not to others. Astaghfirullah (I seek forgiveness to Allah). We shouldn't think like that.

We should believe that, Allah knows best. Whatever happened for a reason. We should know that sometimes what we want is not the best for us and what we don't want is the best for us actually.

Just believe Allah swt knows that we can handle it. On the other hand, He want to test us how we solve our problem. Whatever it is, believe that Allah always beside us. He always hear what we want.

Keep fighting and keep praying. Life is too short to think about angry, disappointed, upset and sad. Just let it go like haters walk in front of you. Let it flow like water flow at the waterfall. Let it blew like wind blew on your face.

Always keep praying to Allah swt because He will always help and hear you. Keep fighting for your beautiful life. In Sya Allah ( if Allah wills) you'll be keep smiling eventually....:)

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Oh my English

Hi! How are you doing today? I am fine, thank you and you? There is the common words that we talk when we meet our friends. Wow...Is my English good or have something wrong or "Oh My English" if we say nowadays? Hehehe..

Maybe, if I greet my friend like I say before, it looks like it's a right sentence, but when I speak the other more...huhuhu..there have many mistakes. But it's okay, at least I try it. How about you all? Have you tried it? 

If I remind when I childhood, there were the bad English that I used. I have not ashamed if I admitted that my exam paper was failed. But, I really interested to learn English till now. Then, I learned by myself through internet.

If you interest something, there is nothing impossible nowadays. You just search at Google or Yahoo to learn it. When I compare nowadays with my childhood, there have many different situation. Furthermore, I am not from the rich family. So, to buy book was too hard for me.

The most problem for me now is to speak with other people spontaneously. If I heard people has talking, I felt that it's easy. But when I want to speak, my tounge has  twisted.
Why it's happened? Maybe, I don't have confident. My confident level is too low and I need to solve this problem. What I want now is I hope I can speak fluently someday as soon as possible. 

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What's the love meaning about? There have vary meaning in these contacts in our life. I believe that everyone in this world wants love. But, there have some difference opinion between one person and the other one. Maybe, some people think that love is just for someone who adores them but love has  great meaning than that.

For me, love has four separate part in our life. Firstly, love to Allah swt who create and grant us our beautiful life. Without Him, we're nothing and don't have anything. How we show our love to the creater? Obeyed what He's ordered and leave what He's prohibited. Maybe, it isn't easy for us but we should try to do it. May Allah swt makes it easy for us.

Secondly, we should love ourselves. Without that, we couldn't love anyone else. That's why there have some suicide cases that occur in this world. They've happened when someone leave them and believe that they have nobody to love them in this world. Astaghfirullah. May Allah swt guide us to do the right thing.

Thirdly, love to people around us who has meant to us. Who loves and adore us. Sometimes, when we love someone we've felt that, what they've given to us not enough.We've wanted that they showed their love more than we've given them. But as a human, sometimes we've felt greedy in this side.

Lastly, sometimes we love material more than people around us. That's why, there have some cases that the siblings get fighting with each other and forget the worth of the kin. On the other hand, there is some cases that the couples busy with their carrier and leave their kids at home till midnight. They  forget that their kids want their love more than the wealthy.

When we say about love, I think it such a beautiful life that we want. We want love, weather give it and accept it. Whatever it is, we should appreciate our lover even they don't know how to show it. But, the great thing that we should love is love to our creater. Who bestow us a beautiful life. Thanks to Allah swt.

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Alhamdulillah..after a long time not open my blog, today I get a chance to open it. I'm happy today coz I got a new phone. And now I can open my blog from my phone...Thanks to Allah..

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